Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A political nightmare

Sixty consecutive years of Clintons and Bushes in the White House:
1989-1993: George H. W. Bush
1993-2001: Bill Clinton
2001-2009: George W. Bush
2009-2017: Hillary Clinton
2017-2025: Jeb Bush
2025-2033: Neil Bush
2033-2041: Chelsea Clinton
2041-2049: George P. Bush


  1. Knock it off. That stuff ain't funny. I'll be tossing and turning all night until Election Day, and then I'll flee the country screaming like a girl.

    OK. Let's work really hard to ensure that this NEVER happens and we wake up to find it was all a horrible dream.

  2. Been an avid lurker for quite awhile, found you through avp. Keep up the great posts like this one.

    PS-What's up with avp today?
