Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Three things I know are true (but would have a hard time proving)

1. You are far more likely to flop a set (three of a kind) if the pocket pair you start with are of different colors than if you have either the two red ones or two black ones.

2. A flush draw in hearts is much more likely to hit than a flush draw in any other suit.

3. You get dealt better cards while listening to Elvis than with any other music in the MP3 player. At least this is true in Las Vegas; I can't swear to it being valid elsewhere.

1 comment:

  1. 4. The luckiest food before playing poker is sushi. The unluckiest food is grapes.

    5. If you read Edgar Allan Poe in the bathtub, you will be card dead for a week.

    6. If you look at an Ace of spades with the tip of the spade pointed at your heart, it takes a week off your life.
