Sunday, April 13, 2008

Didja notice...

...anything different about that last post? If not, here's the secret: For the first time, I managed to figure out how to embed HTML links in the text, rather than include an entire URL.

I realize that this is something already known by every other blogger in the universe (yes, including those on Alpha Centauri), but it had escaped me until now. Even though Blogger provides a one-click wizard button for doing it, so that one doesn't have to mess with manually inserting tags, I'm so technologically backwards that for a long time I couldn't deduce how to make it work. I tried several things, then gave up. Then, because Blogger's help files are not particularly good, it took me 30 minutes of searching to find the simple instructions on using it. Oh--you highlight the text before clicking on the button! Why didn't anybody tell me this? And what's wrong with my brain that I couldn't figure it out on my own?

So this should address the objections that a couple of commenters have had in the past about long URLs uglifying my posts.

Slowly, slowly, step by step, I'll catch on to how things work. Unless somebody volunteers to put in the work of site design at no charge (and please don't take this as a fishing expedition to get such a volunteer--it's not; I kind of like it being a one-man operation), you'll just have to put up with things improving very gradually.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo!

    Now we need to teach you the secret art of embedding video and the handshake, of course!
