Monday, December 07, 2009

The Venetian springs a leak

About 45 minutes ago I was leaving the Venetian via my usual route: up the stairs and down the hallway to the parking garage. But the hallway was blocked off. I assumed they were doing some cleaning, though it seemed odd to do it just as the evening crowd would be starting to come it. So I detoured around through the food court.

As I came to the spot where the corridor to the food court meets the one going to the parking garge, I suddenly understood why it had been closed off. Water was pouring in. It has been raining quite hard most of the day, and apparently the Venetian has a very leaky roof.

You can't really see the water in these pictures, but you can sort of get a sense of the rate it was coming in by looking at the light in the upper left corner of the top picture. It was like that for a broad area. You can see how many garbage carts they brought in to try to catch it; there was that heavy a flow over that entire area, probably a 15 feet x 15 feet section of roof. This is many, many gallons per minutes. Maybe it was a pipe that broke, rather than a leak from the roof. Whatever. It was a big mess.

I guess they didn't design the canals to double as an emergency drainage system.

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