Tuesday, November 25, 2008

According to whom?

While I was waiting for my table at Binion's, I looked over the Poker Hall of Fame portraits again. Every time I see the image they have of Edmond Hoyle, I think two things. (1) How can he be in the poker hall of fame when he died a few decades before poker existed? (2) Are they sure that picture is really of Hoyle and not, say, Johann Sebastian Bach?

"Gentlemen, tonight's no-limit hold'em game will be played in D minor. Please tune your hands accordingly."

Perhaps if Bach had written the rule book, the blinds would be called "the toccata" and "the fugue." The river would probably be called the "coda." I'm pretty sure that instead of "all in," one would have to declare "tutti."

OK, it's much too late, and my brain is showing clear signs of delirium now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking. i am on the research now. You made me to do internet research.

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