Friday, November 16, 2007

Scroll down, please

Time to ask a small favor of my readers: Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on an ad. They've been sitting there for a couple of months, but I haven't heard anything from Google Ads yet. It's possible that nobody has clicked on any of them even once, which would explain that. I'm not trying to rake in a ton of money--I assume it's just going to be a few cents. At this point, I'm mostly just curious about the process, and the contract forbids me to click on them myself (for obvious reasons). Why aren't they located in the side margins nearer to the top of the page, where they'd be readily accessible? I have no idea. I'm new to all of this. Maybe I need to embed a different code in my template or something. I'll deal with that later. For now, I just would like to make sure the whole process actually does something.



  1. I clicked...hope you're happy...actually they had some sweet deals on chips...and I do need a new set

  2. Anonymous11:11 PM

    First.....oh wait!!!

    I clicked on the links...some great deals on chips...I need to a decent set...

    Keep up the good blog
