Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Will grump for food

Yes, I've gone the way of so many other blogs and added a tip jar. Two, in fact, so that anybody who cares to throw in a buck or two can use either PayPal (the upper button) or Amazon.com (the lower button). No, I won't do anything noble with donations, like save the whales or bring peace to the earth. But it will make me feel that the time I spend writing instead of sitting at the green felt is actually contributing to keeping myself financially solvent.

This isn't meant to be begging or to impose some sense of personal or social obligation. But after getting so many kind words from readers, it occurred to me that somebody out there might actually use such a thing if I put it up. It took me a while to figure out how to set them up (I find that every new thing that I try to do with HTML makes me feel like I'm retarded, like I'm the last kid in the class to catch on to something simple), but there they are.

There's only one quotation that would be fitting here, I think. Yeah, I alluded to it not long ago, and it's honestly not the only movie dialog I know, but it's just irresistably perfect here:

And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.

Incidentally, I had considerable difficulty in selecting an illustration to go with this post. I finally settled on a classical motif, with Rembrandt's "Self-Portrait as a Beggar." My disclaimers above notwithstanding, it seemed undeniably appropriate.

Wow. Mixing Rembrandt and "Caddyshack" in one post. How many poker bloggers you know can pull that off, huh?


  1. Gunga galunga. No, gunga, gunga-galunga.

    Happy '08.

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I have to say that I enjoy your blog and anticipate every new post. I like your personality, as far as can be derived from reading the blog. I agree with you politically (Ron Paul!), we even have the same MP3 player. I used to earn a living from playing poker, out of necessity, not desire. I was working in commission based sales at the time and went through a slump for about 6 months, a weekly trip to Atlantic City paid the bills for about 6 months, however I prefer poker to be a profitable form of entertainment and socializing rather than a career. We have much in common, I think.

    I have to say that I consider your pleas for money to be in very poor taste. Write for your own pleasure, and for charities sake, continue to do so for mine, but don't expect the musings to be profitable.

    Don't take your audience for granted. I don't expect you to publish this comment, and if you'd like to respond to me personally you can get me at phrankguy1(at)yahoo.com.

    Thanks for the tntertainment you've provided me over the last few months.
