Thursday, January 24, 2008

Another online W

Like I said last night, this is getting scary, as if it's just w-a-a-a-y too easy. Took the first player out on the second hand when I flopped a set against his top pair. I then led it wire to wire, as they say.

Maybe I'm being set up for a big fall....


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Nice job on the win. However, I wonder if the win rate is worth your time? I see it was a $10+$1,and took a little over 1 hour for the $50 win. Your rate was a little more than $39/hour. It seems you make much more than that at the NL tables, isn't that correct?

    Do you have plans to multi table, or just do it here and there when you wouldn't otherwise be playing live? finally, what is an acceptable win/rate (other than at the Rio, where you'd gross >$300K/year if you kept it up at 40 hours a week, taking 4 weeks vacation...

  2. It's true that playing one table at a time (I occasionally do two, but usually not) at these stakes would be a pretty pathetic hourly rate, since I don't win every one. But the goal isn't short-term income, but long-term. If I find that I can consistently beat this level of play, I'll move up.
