Friday, February 01, 2008

Bluetooth addicts

I secretly snapped this photo at the poker desk at the Riviera last night. See that Bluetooth headset the guy is wearing? He was just concluding at least two hours of poker with that thing stuck in/on his ear the whole time. He was at the next table over, so I can't be sure, but I never noticed him acting as if he were taking a phone call at any point.

I suspect that the image such people wish to project is one of great self-importance. "I'm in such demand that I can't even be bothered to take my cell phone off of my belt when a call comes in."

I'm sure that these devices are extremely useful for people in some specific situations, such as needing to use both hands to enter data on a computer while on the phone with a customer. But to wear it through a long poker session at a casino is ludicrous. It reeks of a fragile ego that needs to be boosted by silly status symbols.

Here's an idea: When you go to play poker, play poker. Let other stuff go. It's fine to leave your cell phone on (I do), but remember that you do have voice mail. You can let most of your calls go there and deal with them later. Really--not everything is urgent in life. And since you're going to step away from the table to take the rare call that is worthy of immediate attention (you are going to step away, aren't you? Or do you think that we're all vitally interested in what groceries your wife is asking you to pick up on the way home?), you really don't need the telephone hanging from your ear for hours at a stretch, do you? Or perhaps you enjoy looking that dorky?

(Incidentally, for one of the best stories ever of public cell phone use, see

Below is a bonus photo of yours truly, looking suave and sophisticated and important with my own Bluetooth thingy. It came free with my cell phone. I put it on just for this picture, then put it back in its box and in the closet--never inserted a battery in it or synced it to the phone. I just don't need it.

(Close observers may notice that this is the first time a photograph has appeared in a post at some point other than the top. I just now figured out how to move it to a different spot! Woohoo! Another breakthrough for your techno-challenged author!)


  1. Um, congratulations.

    I hated that blogger always put the pictures at the top when I knew I wanted them somewhere else but I resorted to the old reliable cut-n-paste standby. That is, until I learned to paste the html code from my Picasa album right into the text where I wanted it. That made it much easier to compose my blogs.

    As for Bluetooth, I will never ever (well, not for years to come, maybe) use one of those bluetooth headsets for my cell phone. I might be persuaded to use one when skyping from my laptop but since it doesn't have bluetooth built-in that is highly unlikely as well.

    I chuckle to myself every time I see someone at the grocery store with one of those on their head. I don't think they realize how stupid they look. Not to mention, I don't think I have ever seen anybody ACTUALLY ON A CALL with one. Srsly. Has anybody ever actually used one?

  2. Welcome aboard! I had no idea you were a reader.

    I just discovered Zooks's blog ( last week. Very entertaining.

  3. I dunno . . . that's one swell look. You might should keep that sucker handy . . . .
