Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Grump's ego gets a little stroke

Since I'm still a small fish in the big pond of poker blogging, I'm not at all used to finding references to myself on random reading. I just had one.

Once in a while I just click on poker blogs listed on somebody else's blogroll (and I will add my own blogroll to the margin one of these days...), just to kind of sample what other poker blogs are like that aren't the ones I regularly read. I was just doing that, when I came across this paragraph, completely unexpectedly, at
This is where I made a conscious effort to focus and play my best poker. I
read something in Robert's blog
last week that resonated with me. As a side note, The Vegas Year and The Poker Grump are two of my
favorite new blogs of 2007, right along with BWoP. These three write some hysterical
shit, and everyone should read all of them. But anyway, Robert said something to
the effect of "my job is not to make money playing poker. My job is to get my
money in with the best of it. Over and over again." I quoted that last night
when Dave cracked my aces, and I buckled down with my four big blinds and played
some screwed-down poker.

Wow! I'm so flattered!

I've mentioned before that my main hobby has long been competitive handgun shooting. Several years ago, in my former life, I was on lunch break from work, reading a gun magazine that I had brought with me, when I turned the page and found a picture of--ME! Several months before, when I was at a shooting skills seminar, the instructor had a new handgun model. The manufacturer had sent it to him so that he could write a review of it. He had several of us try it out to give our first impressions. I didn't even know he had taken my picture while I was shooting the thing, let alone that it would show up in a magazine! It was quite a trip. Anyway, reading the paragraph above sort of felt the same way.

Now, though, I have to confess that I have no idea who the writer is (other than that he goes by "Falstaff"). Nor I have explored the other two blogs he says are among his new favorites, though I plan to do so tomorrow.

If any readers happen to stumble upon references, links, etc., pertaining to my stuff, I'll always appreciate being tipped off to them. But it's also quite a delight to chance upon them myself, and still a very new experience. I suppose if this blog ever gets anywhere near as popular as the big boys, things like this will become old hat, but for now it's a rush.


  1. I hope this new found fame won't change that loveable prose and hard hitting viewpoints. Many a time have we seen fame and fortune cripple an acid laced tongue.

    Fight the system! Keep Gonzo journalism alive!

    Seriously. Congrats on new found fame. I enjoy your blog and look forward each day to what has found your interest.

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Small world. "Falstaff" is a friend of mine; we play largely in separate (home) games, but do cross paths in one tourney made up of common friends once every couple of months. Not that I'm credit-fishing, but I think I sent him your way - we talked about our favorite blogs last time we played.


  3. Grump,

    What do you shoot? Both weapon and event?

    I just got into IDPA and acquired a Springfield 1911.

  4. I do some IDPA, but more IPSC. Mostly Glocks and revolvers, though I occasionally dabble in 1911s, one standard (Kimber) and one tricked out (an SV Infinity).

  5. I just started the pistol thing.

    I've been a shotgunner (sporting clays, trap, skeet) for a while and am enjoying the change.
