Thursday, April 03, 2008


This is my 500th blog post. As Mike Sexton would say, "Oh my golly!"

I actually managed (though not intentionally) to slow down the pace just a hair; it took me 42 days to put up the previous hundred posts, and I stretched that out to 43 this time around. That was mainly because there was a five-day stretch in there in which the muse completely abandoned me, and I felt no inspiration to write anything. (And thanks to those of you who noticed and took time to tell me that I was missed.)

I can't think of anything to say here that I haven't said before (and I don't like repeating myself), so please just click back and see what I said about posts #400, #300, and #200 (I didn't do anything special to note #100). It's all still true:

And I only say this every 100 posts: Please click on the stupid, ugly ads on the left! They keep this thing a-goin'.

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