Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A few nice things to do in Vegas (no poker content)

With my sister still in town, I'm taking a few days off from poker, so no new stories are being generated. In the meantime, we bring you this substitute blog content.

Tonight we ate at Lindo Michoacan, which has been voted "Best Mexican Restaurant" by Las Vegas Review-Journal readers five years in a row. I thought it was excellent, and there were several things on the menu that I'd like to go back and try.

Then we went and played a round at the only miniature golf course in the city: King Putt. The guy who owns it used to be a poker dealer at the Hilton, and it was interesting keeping up with the progress, while he was still dealing, of getting business loans, scouting locations, getting permits, etc. He's also a fellow graduate of the University of Illinois, which alone is reason enough to know somebody. (Hey, it worked out for me, Barry Greenstein, Hugh Hefner, and Roger Ebert, right?) He has turned it into a surprisingly nice outfit--looks like he spent a fortune on the Egyptian-themed decorations.

Finally we stopped at Marble Slab Creamery for some truly superb ice cream, just a couple of blocks south of King Putt. I had the banana ice cream with marshmallows mixed in. Mmmmm.

And that was my exciting evening out on the town. I realize that a "proper" Las Vegas fun night is supposed to involve lots of reckless gambling, strippers, night clubs, copious amounts of expensive booze, maybe a hooker, maybe a spontaneous wedding that you don't remember the next day. But I'm content with a nice Mexican meal, miniature golf, catching up on family news, and some high-quality ice cream.

Maybe I don't really belong here....


  1. sounds like fun. Enjoy the family.

    It must be hard to be so far separated from them.

  2. Oooh, thanks for the restaurant review. I love mexican food from living in Albuquerque most of my life.

    That'll be on the list of things to do when I'm in there the second week of June! Woooooooot!

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I love that you live close enough that we can now see each other more than once every five years. I second everything said about the food, miniature golf and ice cream (and of course, the U of I graduate). The only downside of a 3 day visit? The 4 pounds I acquired eating out every night. I'm going to feel every ounce of them during my next 1/2 marathon in June.
