Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A grand disappointment

Last night I finally got to watch "The Grand," a poker movie I had been aching to see, but which the studio never released to theaters in Las Vegas, to my great irritation. Well, as it turns out, I didn't miss much. It is the unfunniest "comedy" I have seen in a long, long time.

Consider the cast: David Cross, Woody Harrelson, Estelle Harris, Cheryl Hines, Gabe Kaplan, Richard Kind, Chris Parnell, Ray Romano, Jason Alexander, Hank Azaria. How can you make a movie that is not funny with that kind of stellar line-up? It seems impossible, but they did it. There were about six funny moments, and they were all in the trailer. What a rip-off.

It was so pathetic I can't even conjure up a good rant about it. All I can say is that it is the single biggest waste of comedic poker potential ever. Period.

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