Friday, June 13, 2008

Poker gems, #127

Richard Brodie, as quoted in PokerNews story by Dennis Waterman. (Edit: Mr. Brodie notes in the comment section that the original source, not noted in the PN story, is his blog, specifically this post.)

The only way to beat Vegas is to hit and run. That's why I never moved here. If you spend too much time in Sin City it grinds you down, wears you out, and eventually absorbs you, stealing your soul and making you part of the jaundiced, hungry money machine. But if you hit and run you can get in, make a quick score, and get out before it bites you back.


  1. If you would, please link that quote to my current blog entry at - Dennis somehow forgot to do that.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Vegas has taken it's toll on a lot of people. Tao of Poker recently posted about Eskimo and Brandi Hawbaker who have had it rough in Vegas.

    Stuey Ungar had his battles.

    Many others do too...and many others will in the future.
