Wednesday, July 09, 2008


It has been 46 days since #600. That's about on par with my previous pace (somewhere between 42 and 50 days for every hundred posts), so I guess the World Series work I've been doing this summer hasn't slowed me down as much as I anticipated that it might. In fact, I suppose it would be hard for readers not to notice that the WSOP has provided me a lot of opportunities for commenting on all the goings-on at the Rio.

All the things I wrote 46 days ago? Still true. So I won't repeat them.

Well, except for this one indulgence I allow myself every hundred posts: Please click on the dumb Google ads once in a while when you think about it. The checks Google sends me aren't large, but they are encouraging.

Thanks, always, for reading.


  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Congrats on #700!

    So at your pace you'll get to #900 by the time the final table comes around.

    I've been enjoying what I've been reading so far. Keep up the great writing.

  2. I clicked on 2 for ya.
