Saturday, July 12, 2008

A brief political interlude

If freedom to play poker specifically, and personal liberties more generally, is/are at the top of your list of political priorities, I'd say that your best presidential ticket is the Libertarian Party, with Bob Barr and Wayne Root. Here's an interview with the latter:


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    The tough thing, and sad thing, about the whole US election system is the Democrats/Republicans with the help of the corporate media have a monopoly on the election process.

  2. Of course, a vote for Barr is a wasted vote. Between Obama and McCain, amending UIGEA or otherwise promoting internet poker probably isn't a high priority. But, McCain (although a notorious craps player) is beholden to the puritanical right wing that passed UIGEA, while Obama (a poker player himself) probably wouldn't resist efforts by Barney Frank to amend UIGEA.

  3. I completely disagree that it's a "wasted vote." I would say that if your goal is eliminating the UIGEA, then voting for either Obama or McCain is wasting one's vote, since neither one of them is going to lift a finger. Voting libertarian does at least two things: (1) Signals power brokers that I'm dissatisfied with either of the two mainline choices, and (2) contributes to the long-term goal of gradually building support for a genuine alternative to the current two major parties. To me, both of those are a far more valuable use of a vote than throwing one more into the pool of either of two candidates I despise.
