Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Huge improvement to PokerStars

When I tried to log onto PokerStars a short time ago, there was a software update waiting to be installed. OK, no big deal. Usually these things are some minor security or feature enhancement that one doesn't even notice in playing. But when the game started, I noticed a funny little red dot next to the "previous hand" number. I clicked on it out of curiosity, and was surprised and delighted to find an instant hand replayer! This is a point on which Stars has lagged way behind Full Tilt and some other sites for a surprisingly long time. But they've finally implemented it, and from checking it just this once, it looks like they did the typically fine PokerStars job with its functionality.

Nice work, PS!


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    It's about time! You'd think being the biggest poker room they'd be up on the latest features, but I guess it's better late than never.

  2. That's so awesome! I can't for my internet to come back up so that I can try that!

    That was one of my biggest pet peeves about PS.

  3. What? The Poker Grump not being grump! Surely you found something wrong with it?
