Sunday, July 06, 2008

I really am going to hurl

As just reported on PokerNews:

Ladies and Gentlemen...

The Poker Brat, Phil Hellmuth has just arrived here at the Rio, in
style as he always does. Phil was standing up in the front vehicle of a
three-truck convoy of camouflage army vehicles. Mark "P0ker H0" Kroon assisted
General Hellmuth out of his vehicle and ordered the nine UB Army girls to
"Attention!" Phil walked up and down the line of girls, inspecting them for
duty. When they met his satisfaction, the General made his way up the red
carpet, greeted by a throng of curious onlookers and shutterbugs.

After shouldering his way through the masses, Hellmuth has just taken his
seat in the ESPN Featured Table, alongside Mark Seif and UFC'er Chuck

So the WSOP institutes a new rule this year prohibiting excessive celebration, and bans the use of profanity to abuse a dealer or fellow player, all in the name of preserving the general decorum of poker--but then they allow this crap? It's an embarrassment to the game.


  1. At least the Health and Safety Committee didn't let him drive the vehicle this year. :)

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    This is quite hilarious and sad at the same time. I know Hellmuth likes to be the center of attention, but this is too much. Was this his idea or someone from the WSOP?

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM Saw this mentioned over at 2+2, and just couldn't get my brain wrapped around it. Wasn't the race car last year bad enough? Guess not....
    Even worse, ESPN will air it.

  4. It's an UltimateBlecch--oh, pardon me, UltimateBet--thing. They've been running ads for a couple of months now with the theme of the "UB Army" that is going to rule at the WSOP. So Phil is the general of the UB Army, see?

  5. Thank God. I was afraid he was going to do something tasteless.

  6. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Well I note that:

    1. This year's Hellmuth-mobile is built to survive being crashed into a light post in a parking lot;

    2. Even so, they didn't let Phil drive the sucker.

