Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Interesting new feature on PokerStars

PokerStars made me download an update to its software yesterday (at least I think it was yesterday). Today something popped up that I've never seen before, on this or any other site. Click on the screen-shot above to see. I had to type in the word shown in order to continue playing. This is apparently part of their campaign to foil bots playing on the site.

I'm not too worried about bots, because everything I've read about them from sources I deem reliable indicates that they're fairly easy to beat. But that is obviously likely to change as artificial intelligence gets more sophisticated. So I'm pleased to see that PS is taking creative steps to try to stay ahead of the bot writers.


  1. I play pokerstars often, so this will be helpful, thanks for letting us know~ Renee

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I like the idea of Razz bots.

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I've never seen that before on PStars. I wonder if they have some software program that identified your play as particularly mechanical and repetitive? Heh.
