Saturday, July 26, 2008

Me in a tournament

Therre aren't very many pictures of me at poker tables, despite the amount of time I spend there, so finding one is something of a minor event. I was one of nearly 100 players to enter a private tournament put on by the good folks at at Imperial Palace, back on June 14. This page of photos was posted shortly thereafter, and I meant to put up a link to it, but then was busy with WSOP stuff and forgot about it, until somebody kindly reminded me of it by email today. The photo above is stolen from that page. That's me next to the woman in the maroon top. Remarkably, I'm even smiling. Don't tell anyone, though--it might sully my grumpy reputation.


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I feel a little bit like Steve Martin in "The Jerk", when the new phone book arrives.

    "I'm Somebody! I'm Somebody! My picture is on a poker blog, and I'm sitting next to the Poker Grump!"

    It was good meeting you, Bob.

    Bob Maynard

  2. I know the feeling, sir. Every single year since 1977 (which I think, offhand, is when "The Jerk" came out, I dance around like a fool, yelling, "The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here!"
