Sunday, July 27, 2008

Poker words, #4

Two new ones (to me, anyway):


In a facility that allows the small blind and big blind to "chop," i.e., take back the blinds and move on to the next hand if nobody before them has entered, a player, usually in late position, who limps in, thus foiling the blinds' anticipated and desired chop. "Oh, man, don't be a chopblocker!"

bring-in bitch

In stud-type games, a player who is being hit with way more than his fair share of the bring-in bets. "Looks like I'm going to be the bring-in bitch for this table."


  1. Looks like I'm the bring-in bitch for this past month.

    I play lots of low limit razz on stars. In a 8 player table, I should get 1 out of 8 brinins but I've been getting 1 of 6. In fact once I got 12 out of 20 bring-ins, 8 of which were K's.

  2. You should know that that's nothing at all compared to my record. See

  3. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I hate being the bring-in Biotch, but I guess it's better than being a plain old bitch like Hellmuth.

  4. How about Double Infinity?

    Pocket 8's... Double Infinity. We've called them that here in the NW for quite some time.

    Jerry in Gladstone Oregon

  5. "Chopblocker!" LOL, I like it. I especially enjoy its play on the similar term from the world of bar pick-ups.
