Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thanks for noticing

For some reason, it appears that other bloggers have lately been saying a lot nice things about me, either specific posts I've written or this whole darn blog. I don't know how to keep this from sounding like shameless self-promotion, but really my primary intentions are (1) to say thanks, and (2) to point readers to those bloggers who have had nice things to say about me, on the theory that if readers like me, they might also like writers who seem to like me. So here are the links:

Welcome, from Vandit's Poker Journey.

Nausea and fatigue--and tilt, from Fredrik Paulsson.

Indian summer in the poker world, from "Lenny" at Professional Poker Blog.

Tuesday morning link dump, from Dr. Pauly. (For some reason, I can never find a way to link to specific posts on his site, so you have to scroll down to the one from August 12.)

Retooling my poker game, from Plan3tgongpoker.

Inspired by the Grump, from Poker Gnome.

25 best poker blogs, from Million Dollar Blog.

Stupid/System Chapter 9, from Julius Goat (guest blogging at Poker From the Rail).

Just tearing it up, from Morning Thunder.

1 comment:

  1. You suck. STFU. Feel better now? Do not let your head get too big. That is my job. heh.
