Monday, September 29, 2008

Beer pong

I mentioned the other day taking a break from poker at Bill's by walking the short distance from there to O'Shea's.

What I didn't mention, because that story was already at risk for needing the entire team of Reader's Digest condensers to work on it, was that while at O'Shea's I saw something that wasn't there last time I visited: a whole area set up for beer pong. It has nothing to do with poker, but it's something I've never seen in a casino before, so I snapped a few photos, and I have nothing to do with them now other than posting them here.

Maybe this is a permanent set-up, maybe there was a special occasion. I don't know. In fact, I know nothing about beer pong besides that it has something to do with throwing ping-pong balls in cups of beer and drinking them. Not exactly my thing. (The sum total of the beer I've consumed in my life would not fill one of those cups. Not even halfway.)

But if you love beer pong, this is your official notice that O'Shea's appears to be the place to go for your game.

Then, please, come play a little poker with me when you're drunk and I'm sober!


  1. The Beer Pong area has been there for a fairly long time, and I doubt it's going anywhere any time soon. The college-age crowd loves it.

    Seriously, though, do they have any idea how disgusting it is in there? The ball bounces on the ground and they simply dip it into some tap water as if that will rinse all the bacteria off of it.

    Then they toss the disease-ridden ball into a cup of beer that they happily consume, bacteria and all.

    Yech ;)

  2. Anonymous1:27 AM

    People drinking don't care about lowly things like bacteria

  3. Trust me, I play with my brother at college. If you think Vegas floors are dirty, at least they get cleaned at night. I shudder to think of the accumulation of grime that occurs at a typical college apartment with no women living there.

    Besides, alcohol kills germs right?

  4. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Didn't you know they beer pong water cup contains miracle water that removes all bacteria from the ball.

    Beer Pong of Beruit started gaining popularity when I was in college (2000-2005) and is huge with the college crowd. I know that O'sheas has had the "arena" for a while, and Blondie's in the Miracle Mile shops also has tables to play as well.

    There are other drinking games I prefer, but Beer Pong has it's moments...The even have the World Series of Beer Pong in vegas, where the winning team takes home $10K, more details can be found at

  5. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Actually, the grand prize of the World Series of Beer Pong is $50,000.

  6. I used to represent a bar in a college town in Upstate NY. Shortly beofre I quit practicing they got cited by the SLA for allowing gambling on the premises. They ran a Beer Pong Tournament and the claim was that this constituted gambling.

    I wonder if gaming has approved this game.
