Monday, September 08, 2008

The problem nobody's talking about

The town is all abuzz about today's start of the O.J. Simpson trial. But not a single news outlet or commentator that I have heard has mentioned what is, for me, the most serious ramification of this whole mess: how the trial is going to be a huge obstacle to O.J.'s all-consuming, never-ending search for the real killers.


  1. Yeah the real killers lol. Karma is catching up with the Juice. The fact that two of his co conspirators have already struck plea deals with the DA means that OJ is gonna do some jail time for this one. Should be interesting to see whether he gets more than year, and where he has to serve it.

  2. Soak a leather glove in a water-based liquid. Let it dry. It shrinks. I thought everyone knew this and still recall screaming at the TV when they then suggested trying on said glove.

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Amen brother. Aren't they on a golf course somewhere in Florida?
