Thursday, October 02, 2008

"The Soprano's Last Supper"

I got a free ticket to this show last night from Went to the Riviera to see it. Not the worst show I've seen in Vegas, but very disappointing. Got a couple of chuckles out of it, but just not very funny. About half of the show is the actors getting the audience members to get up and dance, which doesn't interest or amuse me.

I'm a big fan of "The Sopranos," and you'd have to be to have any shot at enjoying this thing. If you don't understand references to Adrianna's FBI friend, get the joke about Ralphie when they hold up a bowling ball bag with body parts in it, or grasp the significance of a mounted singing trout given to Tony, then the whole show will undoubtedly seem incomprehensible.

It wasn't incomprehensible to me, but it also wasn't worth an hour and a half of my life. I had hoped for a smart send-up of HBO's best show ever, but instead got a pretty pathetic song-and-dance that just happened to feature the characters.

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