Sunday, October 05, 2008

You do not want to play poker with this man

If you thought the last Ricky Jay performance was amazing (I described the movie scene, and readers supplied the YouTube link in the comments), prepare to have your mind blown with this one. I can't even begin to comprehend how this is possible.

While we're at it, might as well throw in a few more bits of his prestidigitation to astonish you. The man is simply phenomenal.


  1. Anonymous6:48 PM

    It's nowhere near that level... but in my early days of playing (about 10 years back), when I didn't know better than to talk about my own or other people's hands... I once joked about the slow-moving player on my left, 'don't worry about him, he's bluffing. He's got 4-9.'

    Well, the turn and river came down, and this poor guy to my left folded... face up. He had (you guessed it) 4-9. "How did you know?" he asked, incredulous.

    I spent the next 10 minutes apologizing, and telling him the truth-- it was nothing more than a (very) lucky guess.

  2. That guy is amazing. The last vid "Alaskan poker" is great. This guy should have a show on the Strip, he's better than more than half the show's they've got running right now.

    Thanks for pointing this guy out, I had no idea who he was.

  3. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I used to do some part-time closeup magic years ago; starting a company put a halt to that. Anyway, Ricky Jay was always one of my favorites. If you like him, look up Darwin Ortiz. The guy's an expert on card cheating. Check out this video:

    It's kinda boring in a weird way (very academic), but the card work is impeccable.

    Speaking of Ricky Jay, though, if you want to see something beyond cards, look for his Cups and Balls. In a word, sublime.
