Wednesday, November 19, 2008

AVP tournament

My image was captured at another recent tournament held at Imperial Palace. Pic above shamelessly stolen from this thread on the site. That's me in the dark blue sweatshirt. I'm smiling, so the photo must have been taken after I cracked somebody's aces with my jacks by hitting a set on the turn (sorry, Flea!), but before my kings ran into the aces of the blond woman in the foreground.

Speaking of my image, I have had two more recent suggestions of who I look like. For previous posts in this series, see here and here and here. The first suggestion is Bill Gates. I don't really see it, myself:

The second suggestion, though, is more plausible, I think--actor Zeljko Ivanek. You may not recognize the name, but if you've ever watched American television, you've seen him in something, because he has been in just about everything:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    What kinda weird poker table is that you were sitting at?
