Saturday, November 15, 2008

More from Prof. Rose on UIGEA regulations

Our local public radio station, KNPR, has a daily show about current events, mostly local, called "State of Nevada." Today one segment was about the recent announcement of final UIGEA regulations. Prof. I. Nelson Rose of Whittier Law School was the main guest. You can listen online and/or download an MP3 of the 22-minute segment, and see a decent collection of related links here.

Unfortunately, there was little detail--nothing like his recent article. But if nothing else, it's amusing to hear his description of the UIGEA: "piece of garbage" (at about 3:13).

As with the last time this general subject was discussed on this show, there's a caller who says that she once had a problem with compulsive gambling, and therefore she thinks online gaming should be outlawed. This is not unlike a reformed alcoholic deciding that all booze should be banned. It's apparently inconceivable to such people that anybody might be able to indulge in these things in a reasonable, enjoyable, controlled, nondestructive, noncompulsive, socially acceptable manner. The selfishness and myopia of human beings, and their endless urge to control what other people do, never cease to astonish me. Idiots.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    "This is not unlike a reformed alcoholic deciding that all booze should be banned."

    One lesson people in this country should have learned about 80-85 years ago; Prohibition does not work and never will. It only aggravates the problem, and in this particular case drives a valuable business out of our country when we can least afford it.
