Monday, December 22, 2008

Eleventy hundred

Sweet-looking ride, eh? Has nothing to do with poker, but it's hard to find meaningful pictures of much of anything when searching under "1100." That's how many posts there have been in this blog now.

It took 38 days to put up the last hundred posts, my second-fastest mark yet. (See #1000 here.) No, I'm not really trying to break records--it just sometimes happens that I'm feeling blabby, other times not so much.

As always, thank you for reading and commenting. I am flattered on a daily basis that so many people point their browsers here.

Don't forget the stupid Google ads.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Congrats with the 1100 posts man! Ended up here cause i saw your blog on pokerweblogs, hope we´ll ever make it to 1100 ourselves ;)
    Keep up the good work!
