Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another convert in the making--not!

Thanks to reader Lance Brown for bringing this blog post to my attention. It's a science writer describing a poker session on his recent trip to Vegas:

The rest of the session was pretty uneventful, though it started out kind
of odd. I was dealt deuce-4 the first two hands at the table and folded them
both preflop, of course. The first flop was 2 2 4 and the second flop was 2 2 2. Guess I gotta learn to play crap in early position even when it's raised. Nah, that would be stupid and cost me a lot of money.

See? I try to bring the gospel of the 2-4 to the masses, but they will not listen. The poker gods gave him powerful evidence of the righteousness of the 2-4, and he dismisses it as "stupid."

O ye of little faith!


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM


    trying to convert, but finding the intestinal fortitude to play the all-powerful 2-4 is difficult. But, even without its assistance I went up $278 in a $.25/$.50 cash game this past weekend. :-)

  2. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I do have one question for you. When you are holding your duece/four, how hard is it for you to get away from your trips on a blank board with heavy betting?

    I tend to get into trouble with with trips and a weak kicker.


  3. Anonymous7:06 PM

    For a science advocate, that guy sure is a maroob.
