Sunday, January 04, 2009

Guess the casino, #18

Some readers have pointed out to me that at least some RSS readers reveal the answer in the title. I still haven't figured out why this is, but in an attempt to remedy that problem, I'm trying a new way of revealing the answer. (And, by the way, there are still a few people who haven't caught on to the fact that the answer will always be contained in the post--no need to submit guesses!) Just hover your mouse over the appropriate text below, and the answer should pop up. Please let me know if this solves the problem and/or creates any new ones.



  1. Anonymous5:35 AM

    The answer shows up in the rss reader when you had no other comments then the answer. The answer would show up as part of the summary in the news reader because there was nothing else to summarize and the news reader didn't care what color the text was it makes it black in the summary. You could probably solve by having some kind of canned statement in all these posts or something.

    The new method doesn't work on my phone(no mouse).

    Enjoy reading your blog. Thanks E.J.

  2. Google reader shows the first few words of an article in the title/summary line you click to get the whole article. So when the only content of the article is the name of the casino, it displays it as plain text, not in the color you chose, and therefore I normally know the answer before I see the picture.

  3. Anonymous4:50 AM

    This method does not work for me, and I do have a mouse.
