Thursday, January 01, 2009

Program alert

A long time ago I put a reminder in MS Outlook to watch "Stargate Atlantis" tomorrow (Jan. 2). I have never seen the show before, but somewhere I read that they filmed an episode at Planet Hollywood, which I thought would be interesting to watch. I see from the Sci-Fi Channel web site that the episode is titled "Vegas." I can't imagine how they'll work PH into a science fiction show, but I guess "Star Trek" managed to make its share of voyages back to 20th-century Earth, so writers can pull off anything that they want to.

Wow--odd coincidence. I will be on the road tomorrow, so I programmed my VCR (yes, I still use one, not having yet moved up to the DVR era) to record the show, and found that an old episode of "Twilight Zone" from 1960 with William Shatner was on. So I'm watching it while I write this note, and I was a few words away from the end of the previous paragraph when they played a promo for the show I was describing. Sure enough, they mention a "rift in the space-time continuum" having thrown them to today's Planet Hollywood.

Should be a fun show.


  1. Is that the Shatner twilight zone where he's trapped in a small town with his wife and he discovers a little penny fortune telling machine at the local diner that will tell his future? He was as handsome as Sean Connery back then. You look at him now and think, wow, time's a bitch.

  2. Anonymous3:27 AM

    I'm curious myself about the episode. A must-watch, definitely. Even though you only have vcr there, it's still a good thing that you have something to record it to.
