Monday, February 23, 2009

I made it onto the 2+2 forums (not necessarily a good thing)

See here. Thanks to Cardgrrl for the alert.

As per the 2+2 forum norm, I'm immediately adjudicated to be a "smart-ass," a "douche," a "dick," a "huge geek," "lame," and "a real jerk." And I thought it was bad just being grumpy....


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Not a fan of that forum myself.

  2. Let's see... A bunch of anonymous egomaniacs call you names on the internet, and Ray Zee posts to support you.

    That sounds like a pretty good result to me.

  3. Never underestimate human stupidity. You won't be disappointed.


  4. Just be glad you're not a girl. Believe me, it can get A LOT worse.

  5. I knew there was a reason I never visit that site.

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Wow. Never seen so many people fixated on the word 'douche' before.

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    While that site is an embarrassment, I agree that the fanny pack has GOT to go.

    LOL, just lookin out for the Grump. And YES, I did read a previous post about why you feel it to be neccesary.

    It's OK Cardgrrl, you can tell him. You are probably the only one he will listen to!

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    or the word "dousche"...classic

  9. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Screw them. About three years ago, I created an account and posted maybe three times on that message board. That's all I could take.

    It really didn't take long to realize that the collective IQ of registered members of the 2+2 forums at any given time is about 70. Mix that in with the maturity level of the jr high short bus and that's what you get: the 2+2 forums. No thanks.

    Oh, and the moderators on 2+2 don't help any either - often times they're worse.

  10. Congrats! A mark of honor to be flamed in the 2+2 kiddie pool.
