Sunday, February 08, 2009

It's an "I'm bored" post

Yesterday on my day off from poker one of the tasks I accomplished was buying a new pair of shoes. Not a big deal? Well, you see, for me this happens about once every three or four years. I buy a pair and wear them for essentially everything, every day, until they're ratty enough that I'm slightly embarrassed to be seen in public. Yes, I am that cheap.

This time, largely because of having had such a good poker week (which continued today, incidentally; now at $88/hour for the month of February), I decided to go for new shoes even though the old ones have only one hole in them. I splurged $29.95 plus tax. Just as significant (or, let's face it, insignificant) is that this marks a departure from years of relying on New Balance, with a trial of Skechers.

While sitting at the Palms today waiting for a game, I was so bored that I took a picture of my feet. Then, having taken it, I had to post it here, right?

Today I am New Shoes Boy. (No need to send gifts or cards--but thanks anyway.)


  1. If you hadn't of mentioned that you were at the Palms, this might have been a good "Guess the casino" shot.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    You actually paid money for those shoes? Your not color blind are you?
