Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More chit-chat

More discussion about the Cannery incident in these places: (caution: pain-in-the-butt registration required just to read)

It's quite amazing what people claim to "know" about me, my personality, my actions, my past, my thoughts, my real intentions and motivations, what I'm hiding, the casino interior, casino policies, the law, casino security guards, police authority, and a whole bunch of other related and unrelated things. Most of them are wrong on most points, but that doesn't stop them from (1) being sure of themselves, and (2) going on the record (though usually anonymously or pseudonomously) with their certainty.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan is often quoted as having said, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts." Apparently he never read internet forums.


  1. Bleh. Reminds me why I don't read internet forums. If they were most of the voting population of the United States, facism is just around the corner.

  2. Wow, Grump. To meet you in person and read your blog all these months I never would known you were such an awful person and a rabble-rouser. Thank goodness for internet forums so I can finally see the truth ;).

    Anyway, ignore all these goobers, keep up the good fight!
