Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My poker books

I recently ran out of room on my shelves, so yesterday I went to Wal-Mart and bought another top-of-the-line $12 modular shelf to join the others. Today I assembled it and redistributed my books. It occurred to me to show you my collection of poker books. (Poker-related fiction is not included here.) The photos are all slightly blurred because the flash made everything glare out, but there is little enough light in this corner of my apartment that I had to deal with a slow shutter speed. Sorry.

Here ya go:

For you nitpickers, yeah, I noticed that the Roy Cooke rule book was out of alphabetical order--but only after I took the pictures. I have relocated it properly, but it wasn't worth doing the photos over again.


I should have waited a few more hours. One more for the collection came in the mail today. In his most recent podcast, Shamus mentioned that David Spanier had written other poker books beside Total Poker, a fact of which I had not previously been aware. So I looked them up on amazon.com and found a couple of them available used for $1 each. Can't resist that price. This is the one that arrived today:


  1. You certainly do have a lot of good books. Which one is your favorite?

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    so when does the grump book rental site open up? I spotted a few I have yet to read

  3. Have you ever put up a Top 5 Books list? If not, now's the time!

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Where is MoneyMaker's old book? Also you may be interested in reading Donkeybomber's, "Oops, I made too much money."
