Sunday, February 15, 2009

New (well, sort of) poker room at Fiesta Henderson

I was at Fiesta Henderson today to see a movie, and was surprised to see that the poker room had moved. Last time I was there (December, 2007) it was upstairs; now it's just off the main casino floor, next to the cafe. That's my old friend from the Hilton, Ken Franco, at the front desk. He tells me that the room has been where it is for six months or so. So this isn't exactly breaking news. I didn't stay to play, so can't tell you anything more about it. But with a high degree of confidence, I can predict that it's about 90% locals, rarely more than one table going, and that will usually be $2/4 or $3/6 limit hold'em, with maybe a no-limit game on weekend evenings. Being open to the casino floor on only one side, I do hold out some hope that it will be less smoky and noisy than the old room.

Sorry for the blurry photo. My encounters with casino security--particular the Stations chain, of which Fiesta Henderson is part--have made me try to be quicker and less obvious. I didn't notice until I got home that the only picture I took wasn't very good.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Even by casino standards that's one ugly carpet. I get dizzy just looking at it.
