Tuesday, March 24, 2009

1400 (plus one)

I slipped up. The previous post was #1400, and I missed the moment, making this one #1401.

Newly married couples tend to celebrate small anniversaries, like one week since the wedding, then one month, two months, etc. After a while, those just slip by unnoticed, and it becomes something of a chore even to remember the annual ones.

I think that these every-hundredth-post marks are becoming like that. There have now been enough of them that they're losing significance. What I have said every time remains true--how much I appreciate your eyeballs landing here every day, and so forth. But I'm feeling less inclined to say it just because the odometer clicks over another 00 mark.

I think I'll have to note the passage of #1500 when it occurs, and then after that I'll probably shut up about it until maybe #2000--assuming (1) I'm still around doing this, and (2) there is anybody left reading it.

Because I missed the occasion, I stole two pictures to illustrate this post, one for 1400 and one for 1401. Both are taken from the wonderful http://www.humanclock.com/, which is probably the most visually interesting and delightful way that you can keep track of the time on your computer. Give it a try.

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