Monday, March 30, 2009

Confidential to B.W.O.P.


Despite your three recent posts with yet more evidence for the theory (here and here and here), both Daniel Negreanu and I learned from last night's "High Stakes Poker" that crubs do not, in fact, always get there, even when you run it twice!

Shocking, I know, but poker is full of astronomically unlikely events.

Be careful out there with the crubs.

All the best,



Have you ever wondered what would happen if you took the crubs up against the mighty 2-4? Kind of like the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. Superman battling Supergirl. Matter colliding with antimatter. It might open a rift in the fabric of space-time, or something like that.


  1. "learned from last night's "High Stakes Poker" that crubs do not, in fact, always get there, even when you run it twice!"

    I'm sure it's trick photography!

  2. Rakewell-

    I was thoroughly confused during last night's episode of High Stakes Poker.

    Didn't Eastgate try to play deuce-four suited (hearts, I think) and he whiffed too?

    I think High Stakes Poker may be rigged.

    It's the only possible explanation.

    Either that or the universe is so conspired against DN on High Stakes Poker that he will never make another draw and will always run into quads.

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    what are crubs?
