Sunday, March 29, 2009

I might be a moron

OK, so I was playing a HORSE sit-and-go before heading to bed, as I often do. A certain other poker blogger, who shall remain nameless here, had already been eliminated, but was chatting with me via IM on the side. This certain other nameless blogger had sent me a link to a web page about supertasters, speculating that I was one because of my slight propensity toward consuming mass quantities of chocolate. So I was dealing with that, when this hand came up. I saw that I had aces in the hole, and was very pleased. I raised. Two other players were quickly all in, but I kept betting because I thought I had a better hand than the other guy who was still in with chips. Because I had ACES! And then it got even better, because I paired again and ended up with two pairs, aces and sixes. Yea verily, I was indeed happy with the situation.

At a glance, though, I couldn't see why one of the short stacks was getting pushed the main pot and I got only the side pot. It was only after the hand was over and I went back and looked at the screenshot above that I noticed that WE HAD BEEN PLAYING RAZZ, NOT STUD!!!!!

The short stack won the main pot and one small side pot, but my second side pot was even bigger than those combined. My lone remaining opponent folded on the river. He might well have had a hand better than my K-9 low, but I was betting and raising so convincingly that he folded maybe a K-8 or a J-8, sure that it couldn't be good there. To him it must have looked like I had a 9-8 low at worst. Took a small profit (566 chips) on the hand.

I'm blaming a certain other blogger who shall not be named here for the distraction.

Or, of course, I might just be a moron.

Full hand history below, in case anybody wants to watch the near train wreck in slow motion.

PokerStars Game #26486026408: Tournament #151643535, $5.00+$0.50 HORSE (Razz Limit) - Level VIII (200/400) - 2009/03/29 4:56:41 ET
Table '151643535 1' 8-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Grozamolnia (2866 in chips)
Seat 2: DwnAndDrty (637 in chips)
Seat 4: Rakewell1 (2510 in chips)
Seat 5: DeJaBlue2u (360 in chips)
Seat 7: KTFUMA (5627 in chips)
DeJaBlue2u: posts the ante 40
KTFUMA: posts the ante 40
Grozamolnia: posts the ante 40
DwnAndDrty: posts the ante 40
Rakewell1: posts the ante 40
*** 3rd STREET ***
Dealt to Grozamolnia [9s]
Dealt to DwnAndDrty [6h]
Dealt to Rakewell1 [Ac Ad 6s]
Dealt to DeJaBlue2u [Th]
Dealt to KTFUMA [3h]
DeJaBlue2u: brings in for 60
KTFUMA: raises 140 to 200
Grozamolnia: folds
DwnAndDrty: calls 200
Rakewell1: raises 200 to 400
DeJaBlue2u: calls 260 and is all-in
KTFUMA: raises 200 to 600
DwnAndDrty: calls 397 and is all-in
Rakewell1: raises 200 to 800
Betting is capped
KTFUMA: calls 200
*** 4th STREET ***
Dealt to DwnAndDrty [6h] [2h]
Dealt to Rakewell1 [Ac Ad 6s] [9d]
Dealt to DeJaBlue2u [Th] [Qh]
Dealt to KTFUMA [3h] [Jc]
Rakewell1: bets 200
KTFUMA: calls 200
*** 5th STREET ***
Dealt to DwnAndDrty [6h 2h] [5s]
Dealt to Rakewell1 [Ac Ad 6s 9d] [8s]
Dealt to DeJaBlue2u [Th Qh] [Js]
Dealt to KTFUMA [3h Jc] [Kc]
Rakewell1: bets 400
KTFUMA: calls 400
*** 6th STREET ***
Dealt to DwnAndDrty [6h 2h 5s] [Qd]
Dealt to Rakewell1 [Ac Ad 6s 9d 8s] [Kd]
Dealt to DeJaBlue2u [Th Qh Js] [Qs]
Dealt to KTFUMA [3h Jc Kc] [8h]
Rakewell1: bets 400
KTFUMA: calls 400
*** RIVER ***
Dealt to Rakewell1 [Ac Ad 6s 9d 8s Kd] [6c]
Rakewell1: bets 400
KTFUMA: folds
Uncalled bet (400) returned to Rakewell1
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Rakewell1: shows [Ac Ad 6s 9d 8s Kd 6c] (Lo: K,9,8,6,A)
Rakewell1 collected 2406 from side pot-2
DwnAndDrty: shows [7s 8c 6h 2h 5s Qd 2c] (Lo: 8,7,6,5,2)
DwnAndDrty collected 831 from side pot-1
DeJaBlue2u: shows [6d 7d Th Qh Js Qs 9h] (Lo: J,T,9,7,6)
DwnAndDrty collected 1480 from main pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4717 Main pot 1480. Side pot-1 831. Side pot-2 2406. Rake 0
Seat 1: Grozamolnia folded on the 3rd Street (didn't bet)
Seat 2: DwnAndDrty showed [7s 8c 6h 2h 5s Qd 2c] and won (2311) with Lo: 8,7,6,5,2
Seat 4: Rakewell1 (button) showed [Ac Ad 6s 9d 8s Kd 6c] and won (2406) with Lo: K,9,8,6,A
Seat 5: DeJaBlue2u showed [6d 7d Th Qh Js Qs 9h] and lost with Lo: J,T,9,7,6
Seat 7: KTFUMA folded on the River


  1. Those are our choices? Moron or distracted possible supertaster?

    Golly. Our cups runneth over, huh?

  2. I'm sure every Horse player has made that mistake once. But hopefully just once.

    It is fun to see a player betting like there is no tomorrow in a razz game with 3 K's showing.

    See you on the 27th.
