Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Me and Those Guys

Last Wednesday when I was at the M Resort, I taped an episode of "That Show with Those Guys" for

I was surprised to get the invitation, because I didn't exactly praise the show when I mentioned it here a couple of weeks ago. I didn't trash it either--just felt kind of meh. So it's kind of a strange and unexpected way to get an invite. But Those Guys turned out to be quite cool and interesting and good to know in person, and doing the show was a fun experience. We just chatted about life as a low-stakes grinder in general, and then about the Cannery episode in particular.

If you're a regular reader, you probably won't learn much about me that you haven't heard already, but if you want to see the interview, tune in here (Episode #27, March 10, 2009). I can't tell you exactly what's there, because we talked for a lot longer than they will probably want to use, and I haven't watched it yet to know which of my dronings got edited out by the Crapshield 3000. Maybe I come off looking like a boring idiot--who knows? Anyway, it was yet another interesting and unexpected experience to come from writing this here blog thingy, so I'm happy to share it with you.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:06 AM

    just finished watching the interview, a good little interview, not a whole lot of new info but nice to hear the story.

    I also like that T. R. Ipod gets camera credits, I'll have to check out more of the shows
