Friday, April 24, 2009

Don't drink and drive

I realize that that post title is not exactly an original message. But there's a reason behind it.

Just in case there is not sufficient disincentive provided by (1) the possibility that you could kill or maim yourself or somebody else, (2) the possibility of destroying your car, (3) a criminal record, (4) jail and/or prison time, (5) thousands upon thousands of dollars in fines, legal fees, and increased insurance rates, and (6) loss of your license to drive, Las Vegas is ready to add to your troubles this: You can get sentenced to community service and have to spend countless hours roaming around downtown Vegas picking up other people's messes, while wearing a bright orange vest that tells everybody exactly what you did and why you're out there. (Click on the photo to embiggen it so that you can see the "DUI" printed on the vest.)

I see a few of these guys nearly every time I walk or drive through the downtown area. It makes me wonder what it takes to get some people to learn.

The "beautification" crews are already big enough. Please don't join them. I'd rather see you clean up at the poker tables.


  1. Having lost my brother to one of these douches, I'd say the vest might be worn for more than just their community service: to work, out to dinner, and even to their favorite tavern.

  2. Embiggen.. well said. Its a perfectly cromulent word.

    I think Im playing tomorrow - see you then.
