Wednesday, April 15, 2009

L.V. locals: Your opinions are wanted

I was just contacted by the Review-Journal reporter who did the story on my Cannery incident a couple of weeks ago. He asked a favor. It's easier to explain, I think, if I just quote his request:

I'm writing a story tomorrow about a new Web site that has deals for LV locals. It is sponsored by the LVCVA.

If you have many locals following your site, it would be great if you could help me out by posting my contact info ASAP.

I want to hear from LV locals and ask them what they think casinos, spas, restaurants etc., should do to attract more locals.

I'm sure lots of people would have ideas on that subject.

The story runs Friday, so I need to talk to people today and tomorrow. If you can help me out, I'd appreciate it.

-- Ben S.

Benjamin Spillman
Business reporter
Las Vegas Review-Journal
702.477.3861 (direct)
702.477.3852 (fax)


So there you have it. He's a good guy, so if you want to help contribute to the story, give him a call or send an email.

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