Friday, April 03, 2009

McDonald's, Vegas-style

Because I'm so rarely awake before noon, and because McDonald's, unlike some of their competitors (e.g., Jack in the Box) refuses to serve their breakfast menu at the hours that we normal people would actually want to eat breakfast, it is not often that I get to indulge in one of my favorite delights: a Sausage McMuffin. But this morning, once I had decided to put in an early poker session at the Venetian, I knew that I could snag myself this treat.

I was about to head to my usual place (Sahara and Maryland Parkway), but then I realized that I could just head down the Strip, without too much fear of heavy traffic, and catch the McDonald's that is just south of Circus Circus. It had a big renovation and re-opening a few months ago. (See, e.g., VegasRex on it here.) I had never been in there before, either before or after the remodeling.

It's the only McDonald's that I know of that advertises on billboards and taxicabs the same way that casinos and shows and strip clubs do. It is, apparently, something of an institution. So I felt it my obligation to give it a try.

It's surprisingly nice, both inside and out--easily the spiffiest McDonald's I've ever set foot it. Of course, I realize that that's not exactly the highest praise one can give an eating establishment. Whatever.

Here's a shocker: The Sausage McMuffin tasted very, very much like every other Sausage McMuffin I've ever had, the hash browns tasted a whole lot like hash browns from other McDonald's, and the large Coke was, well, kind of big and kind of Cokish.

It is just as Rex has ranted about here:
You hop on an airplane, fly 3,000 miles to the entertainment and dining
capital of the world, hop off the plane after a 5 hour flight, and head to


Perhaps I am missing something, but what is the point of leaving the
trailer park in the first place?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no food snob. I eat Ramen noodles for dinner
all the time … but if my ass is going to plunk down airfare and I am going to
book a hotel room in a distant city, my ass is not eating at McDonald’s.

What, do you think they give us the “good” Big Macs?

It’s the same shit (literally) as it is in Des Moines … I assure you.

Of course, I get a pass, what with being local and all. This is my trailer park (no, not literally). I can't help it if my local McDonald's happens to be lit up with enough neon to raise the entire planet's core body temperature.

But I can share the experience with you vicariously. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Now, when you come here, you can just walk by this place and think, "Oh yeah, I read about that. Nothing special, past the surface," then keeping walking, and find somewhere more interesting and memorable to dine.

Unless, of course, you're just dying for a Sausage McMuffin, in which case this place will do just fine.


  1. I commented on that rex thread back in the day. When i goto vegas its for the experience, not for the food. When I eat its cuz I'm hungry and want to satisfy the hunger, whatever is closest will suffice. I would venture that 80% of my vegas meals are subway/chipotle/burger king or panda express.... I really dont care I just want to eat so i can go back to the poker table.

  2. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Us Brits are well renowned for going abroad and just continuing to eat and act like we are at home! We want proper Heinz baked beans, decent chocolate, fish and chips, English breakfast and go to Irish bars like moths to flames!

    I can't stand MaccyD's but I am partial to their McMuffins if I am actually up in time!

  3. I *love* the Sausage McMuffin w/ Egg.

    I try to avoid them, but once in a great while...
