Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Poker faces, #4


I just watched next Sunday's episode of High Stakes Poker (season 5, #9), which GSN accidentally released prematurely on YouTube, and which was thus captured and re-released at other sites of questionable legality. So if you want to watch it without knowing how any hands turn out, avert your eyes now.

Below is Howard Lederer's confusion and consternation upon learning that not only did Tom Dwan outdraw his A-K with trash, but Dwan had put in the fourth raise pre-flop with 8-6 offsuit.

The rest of the table, though, finds the whole thing highly amusing.

Daniel Negreanu points at Lederer and says, "You just got Durrrrrrrred!"


  1. I have to admit I did skip Poker Faces. Thanks for the warning. I'm just here to stir up some more players for Monday's tourney at PS.

  2. I'm guessing Lederer was familiar with Durr's reputation but hadn't actually played with him before.

    If he'd sweated the first 6 episodes of High Stakes Poker I bet he'd have ended up shoving before the flop.

  3. It was the sickest of the sick. Poor Lederer.

    As for Dwan's game, what a fearless, canny player. I used to think it was just fearlessness, but I was blown away by his play in the heads-up portion of the '09 Aussie Millions Cash Game against Antonius. He read Patrik incredibly well, making big laydown after big laydown. I really think he lost the min--unfortunately that was half a mil in this case, but the results of that match didn't reflect how well he played. He could easily have lost three times that.
    The man can read both strength and weakness like no other. His live-game skills are remarkable for an onliner--he has learned the casino game FAST, though I don't know if it's more that he's developed an exceptional feel for physical tells, or that his reading of bet-timing and bet-sizing is just so acute from online that he has an edge in live action...
