Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Poker plates

Considering which parking garage I was in when I spotted this license plate today, I'm guessing that "Poker Kitten" is in town for the Venetian Deep Stack Extravaganza.


  1. I think that plate reads: PKRKITN. (not KTTN)

    It's a 2+2ish remark... "Poker kick in the nuts."

  2. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Wow, Cardgrrl is contradicting the Grump - is there trouble in paradise?

  3. I have proven to my own satisfaction that the plate is indeed PKRKTTN, as I originally surmised. First, I checked the California DMV custom plate ordering site ( and discovered that PKRKTTN returns a "not available" message, while "PKRKITN" can be ordered. Also, the sample plate shown when trying those letters demonstrates the serifs of the I being noticeably shorter than those of the T. Finally, I found a photo of a California plate ( that shows both an I and a T, again with different serifs. The same site also shows the font allegedly used by California (, yet again with different serifs. I am convinced it is PKRKTTN, not PKRKITN--despite that having been a pretty good theory.
