Saturday, May 30, 2009

It can now be revealed

My first WSOP overnight recap for PokerNews is now up here. Yep, that's my job for the duration of the series--writing up one (occasionally two) of those suckers pretty much every night (with a day off here and there) so that it's ready for morning readers. I won't clog up the blog posting links every time another one gets posted, because if you want to read them, now you know where and how, and if you don't, more reminders will just irritate you.

I am humbled and thrilled to have this assignment. I did some behind-the-scenes work for PokerNews during the Series last year, and it strikes me as a good, solid organization to be hooked up with. They have some of the best poker writers in the business on their team, and being asked to join them, even in this relatively humble role, was a real ego boost. It is the first time I'm being paid to write about poker, so who knows where that ol' foot-in-the-door thing may lead in the future? My sincere thanks to PokerNews Editor-in-Chief Haley Hintze (see her blog here) for giving me the opportunity.

As I mentioned a while back, the overnight writing is likely to throw my sleep-wake cycle all out of whack, in addition to simply adding a few hours a day to my schedule. Additionally, my pal Cardgrrl will be making her way to town tomorrow night and staying for a solid month, so some time will be spent hanging out with her (if she'll let me). Those factors are, I expect, going to seriously cut into actual poker-playing time for the next six weeks or so. If you see fewer posts about table experiences, that's why. But once the 2009 WSOP is past, things should revert more or less to normal.


  1. Congrats on the gig RW. You've kicked it off with some really good work over there.

  2. Really nice wrap-up Lambsie. I like how you blended news with the game mechanics.

  3. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Ted, the Grump's ego is big enough as it is, do you really have to go stroke it some more?

  4. I'm embarassed to say I read your PokerNews recap a few hours ago and completely missed your byline. Nice work, and looking forward to more of your WSOP articles.

  5. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Very nice writeup. I'm looking forward to your future reports.

  6. Will The Hammer8:49 PM

    always nice to hear when the good guys prosper. congrats
