Thursday, July 02, 2009

Watch this space

Actual post coming soon!

Finally got a couple of decent nights of sleep. I'm feeling back to normal and ready to resume blogging. Also, the WSOP writing gig ends after tonight's installment. I have a post in mind about a couple of weird floor rulings at the WSOP. Can't do it tonight, though. Also, Cardgrrl, who was scheduled to leave tonight, is actually staying an extra day due to her flight being cancelled (some mechanical problem), so I may or may not get to writing tomorrow. But by Friday, my world will pretty much be back to the way I'm used to it all being.

1 comment:

  1. cruisaC6:17 PM

    Glad to see it grump. I love reading about your different musings, and to be honest, I'm over guessing the casinos.
