Saturday, August 08, 2009

Poker gems, #304

Jeff Shulman, in his "From the Publisher" column in Card Player magazine, August 12, 2009 (vol. 22, #16), p. 19, on what it took to get to the final table of the World Series of Poker Main Event.

Have you ever run well for seven days? I just did.... It is tough picking up aces so much and having them hold up. Of the 15 times that my hand was favored against all-in players, not once did I lose the pot. I even won my races. Even funnier to me is that I made a couple of terrible reads that led to poor calls. Anybody really can win at poker....

Finally, this is proof that if you read Card Player from cover to cover for 10 years, you will know a lot about poker.

1 comment:

  1. The more I hear this guy speak, the more I like him. I really hope he wins. Seems like an independent thinking guy who has been around and doesn't go for all the hype. It would be really cool if he didn't slather himself with patches and ads either (except for Card Player, of course).
