Sunday, September 20, 2009

Poker gems, #311

Mike Caro, in Poker Player newspaper column, September 28, 2009, pp. 4, 25.

Question 2: Don't players get upset if you make them feel foolish by tricking them?

Yes. You should never deliberately upset opponents.... So, immediately after you've tricked an opponent and won a pot, utter something friendly that indicates you were just having fun. I like to say things that suggest I played the hand badly and simultaneously enhance my loose image, such as, "I was hoping you'd call, because I've been out of line so many times. You're way ahead of me overall, but I'm still trying the same stupid tricks." Just giggle and move on. Your opponent isn't likely to be offended, because you're talking about your bad plays, not how superior you were with this one....

Question 6: If I'm feeling uncomfortable about tricking my opponent, what should I do?

I strongly recommend solitaire.


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Caro has always written a lot about the the fact that the only way a good player makes money is to have poorer players at the table. And to keep those players at the table, you have to treat them decently. You could say he harps on it, but given how many don't seem to get it, he apparently has to do so.

    Truth is, there are many who enjoy poker, and don't mine losing whatever money they've set aside to play. But they don't like being shown up or made fun of. The latter will cause them to leave a game far faster than losses.

  2. In a way I agree. I don't think people should go out of their way to make people feel bad. At the same time I think psychological tricks are part of the game.

    Granted, if you have a good source of money at the table you don't want them to leave. But if you have a large stack in a tournament I see no problem with acting to upset him, causing him to tilt.

    Certainly no insults should be used, but showing a bluff and saying "nice fold" are to be expected.
